Thursday, April 27, 2006

Daoine Prank

Many thanks to Smawgryn and Jaenelle for being good enough sports to wind people up for a good hour...

Smawgryn gossips 'What happens if someone is using two characters at the same time to play here?'

Bamboo gossips 'Prolly get warned or nuked.'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'you say bye bye'

Smawgryn gossips 'If I know of someone who's doing that, can I get a reward for turning them in?'

Smawgryn gossips 'Do you get rewards for turning in people who you know are playing more than one character at the same time?'

Shortbus Vega gossips 'You get a sense of performing your duty!'

Immvisible Xantcha gossips 'You get that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing you jsut helped NUKE someone? :P'

"One Hit" Wonder gossips 'usually a note gets posted no?'

Smawgryn gossips 'They get nuked? That could be good. She wouldn't group with me because she said she was too busy leveling and questing her other character'

Smawgryn gossips 'Wait, she told me to shut up, that tiers are allowed to multiplay. How do I tier?

(Gossip) Faulty Bot Elrast snickers softly.

Kiss my Gritznakka gossips 'Why didn't someone tell me!'

Kiss my Gritznakka gossips 'Who is this person?

Smawgryn gossips 'I'm not sure I should tell'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'you can have mutiple characters, you just can't play them at the same time'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'or have them exchange items or stats'

Kiss my Gritznakka gossips 'Ah c'mon, it won't hurt anything.'

Smawgryn gossips 'she's on with both right now'

Smawgryn gossips 'Both names are nice if that's what ya mean'

Smawgryn gossips 'So it's okay for Jexebelle to use both of her characters so long as they don't share eq?'

You gossip 'Shut up. Nobody's multiplaying. Nobody's listening to you. N00b'

Smawgryn gossips 'I'm no newbie. I'm level 90 now.'

Jaenelle gossips 'Yea, not nice to accuse people of multiplaying.'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'mplaying is not the same as having multi characters'

Smawgryn gossips 'I know what multi-playing is, I read the helpfile.'

Smawgryn gossips 'She's on both right now! She's using both characters to argue with me'

Vassily gossips 'i'm sure she's just messin' with your mind'

Jaenelle gossips 'Smawgryn: Mind your own business.'

Smawgryn gossips 'This sucks. She's allowed to say bitch on goosip and multiplay and do anything she wants!

Jaenelle gossips 'Of course. Tiers can do whatever they want.'

(Gossip) 800 baby Dashiell . o O ( rat )

Huitzil Opochtli gossips 'lol'

(Gossip) Sugadaddy Cranar laughs out loud at Smawgryn.

Necalli gossips 'Dude, if she was mplaying, then an IMM would have nuked her by now... lay off the drugs.'

Vassily gossips 'maybe she owns the mud secretly? '

Smawgryn gossips 'Make me!!!'

800 baby Dashiell gossips 'someone nuke jaenelle and jexebelle please, they're the same character'

800 baby Dashiell gossips 'the same player'

800 baby Dashiell gossips 'I have proof'

Smawgryn gossips 'Doesn't Jaenelle run the b-days thing?'

Kiss my Gritznakka gossips 'I think her bot does that.'

Jaenelle gossips 'Tiers can't multiplay. You shouldn't accuse them of it.'

Smawgryn gossips 'You've just got it good with the Imms. i be that's why they let you do it.'

You gossip 'And that's just stupid'

Awila gossips 'is there a way to see a list of all the imms?'

Cruces gossips 'who imm'

You gossip 'Mind your own business already'

Jaenelle gossips 'Mind your own business'

Jong gossips 'is jex a girl?'

Smawgryn gossips 'both characters have the same picture in finger'

Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'no jex is a man'

(Gossip) Orgasmic Shriek probes you. You feel disgusted, yet slightly aroused.

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Sure.'

You gossip 'I don't even have a picture up. Shut up already. They shoueldn't let new characters use gossip so much!

Smawgryn gossips 'you just changed it...'

Jaenelle gossips 'I did not'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Hence the name of the channel >=]'

Kuj gossips 'you neutered yourself?'

Smawgryn gossips 'right there. she screwed up. See it? Everybody saw...'

Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'shut up smaw'

Charlene flies in.

Charlene goes to sleep.

Jaenelle gossips 'Like anyone cares. Both characters are tiers.'

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'you roo potato head'

Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'too'

Smawgryn gossips 'Yeah. I wonder how? *sarcasm*'

Cruces gossips 'hey smaw... you wont get a reward for reporting ye know... jz let the imms do their job (if there is one in this case) and just keep quiet and keep mudding yar?'

Smawgryn gossips 'What do you care if I point out who is breaking the rules?'

Jong gossips 'everyone hates a tattle tale'

Bobpacco wakes from a soft fushido and stands up.

Bobpacco flies west.

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'Because, Smawgryn. You don't know for sure.'

Awila gossips 'ah but i could be shriek, i could be ;)'

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'And I can guarantee you, your wrong. '

Jong gossips 'everyone hates a rat'

goss See? Shut up shut up. You're as bad as potatofish!
Collen gossips ' proof ? '

You gossip 'See? Shut up shut up. You're as bad as potatofish!'

Jaenelle gossips 'Yea, Shut up.'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Ratlings? O_o: Dude! You just did a racist comment

(Gossip) Orgasmic Shriek points excitedly at Jong!

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'So its not really we hate tattle tales, we hate tattle tales who don't know that their talking shttuff.'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'No personal attacks please...'

Seht gossips 'wish there was deposit pce for items so i can carry more weight'

Jong gossips 'everyone hates a snitch'

(Gossip) Orgasmic Shriek flashes its Channel Police badge and says "ACPD! Freeze!"

(Gossip) Dolt is agreeing with that Potatofish person again...

A peyote button SOLD to Luciusego for 1,000 gold.

(Gossip) Potatofish flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!

(Friend) Orgasmic Shriek: 'later sol take care <3'

(Gossip) Sugadaddy Cranar gasps as he realizes what a shrieking ghost did.

Dolt gossips 'nobody could live up to the name'

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'Not you too!'
Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'Kirby is as bad as potato'

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'How is your IQ it down?'

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'like say 0?'

Smawgryn gossips 'I know what I know. This is really happening'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Negative.'

Jaenelle tells you 'you need to get the daoine to stop arguing the other side. ;)'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips '(pun)'

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'Yeh...ok.'

Gelek goes to sleep on a soft fushido.

Collen gossips 'where is your proof ?'

(Gossip) Sugadaddy Cranar forces a gag into Smawgryn's mouth. Ahhh, blessed quiet.

Lazturn asks The Spirit of Yashama for a quest.

You notice the black moon fall in the west.

(Gossip) The Venom Factor points excitedly!

(Gossip) Sugadaddy Cranar goes to Smawgryn, "SUUUUUUUURE...."

Jong gossips 'I know my IQ is higher than anyone in here... :)'

Smawgryn gossips 'Ok. Well everyone just stick up for their friend and pick on the newbie.'
Jaenelle gossips 'Newbies should just be quiet'

Cruces gossips 'you know...after such a long conversation i still dont know who's he accusing... anyone?'

Vampiric Malakian gossips 'Ok Jaenelle, we're waiting'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'We're accusing someone?'

Jaenelle gossips 'He's accusing Jaenelle and me of multiplaying'

(Gossip) Cruces rolls on the floor laughing at Jaenelle's antics!
(Gossip) Orgasmic Shriek is trying to repopulate the area with mini-Jaenelles!

(Friend) Sugadaddy Cranar: 'No way dude, its coming out with smiling eyes and an Irish flag.'

Jong gossips 'first of insanity is when you refer yourself as a third person.'

You gossip 'Stupid!'

Seht gossips 'note to self tequilla and coolaid dont taste good together'

Smawgryn gossips 'I'm not accusing anyone, I'm just pointing out that they're the same person'

(Gossip) Cipactonal sighs and grumbles loudly about people with no sense of humor.

Bamboo gossips 'try brandy + coke + choco'

Awila gossips 'no Seht, it works better if you use Kool-Ais though.. dont use that generic stuff'

Jaenelle gossips 'No one will ever believe you Smawgryn.'

(Gossip) Collen attempts to shout some n00bish phrase but instead yells "AH MY FINGERZ BLEEDIN!!!1" Orgasmic Shriek laughs.

Sugamomma DarkTears gossips 'OMFG'

Jong gossips 'can or can't you multi play?'

Seht gossips 'you can NOT multi play'

Smawgryn gossips 'They're not even that different! Can't you people tell the fricking difference?'

(Gossip) Zafirah laughs out loud.

You gossip 'Nobody's multiplaying. I'm turning gossip off this is stupid'

Awila gossips 'anyone can multi-lay'

Collen gossips 'that is bases on conjecture'

Collen gossips 'not proof '

Vampiric Malakian gossips 'It's pretty suspicious to me'

Vampiric Malakian gossips 'Only two people talking about themselves in third person and telling people to shut up are being accused of multi-playing'

Bamboo gossips 'NEVaaa'

Jaenelle gossips 'Nobosy's talking to you'

Smawgryn gossips 'Jaenelle tells you 'See, no one will ever believe you. I can use both characters and noone will ever listen.''

Sugadaddy Cranar gossips 'Ok do tell -h and give us a time note.'

Palena gossips 'wouldn't the IMMs have record of the tell history?'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'they would i'd imagine'

Jaenelle gossips 'They're too busy to look.'

Awila gossips 'wait, IMM's have tell history? shit'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'rofl'

Stargate gossips 'you guys are annoying'

Palena gossips 'Usually the head honchos have access to everything. :)'

You gossip 'tell smawgryn Shut up. What I do with my characters is none of your business!'

Jong gossips 'Oh MY GOD she admits multi playing"Juxtaposed Jexebelle gossips 'tell smawgryn Shut up. What I do with my characters is none of your business!'"'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'sssssh!'

Vampiric Malakian gossips 'This is too stupid to believe'

You gossip 'You can hush too, it just looks bad'

3089/3089(100%) 2831 1557 |296426 300xp|0QT|

(Gossip) Orgasmic Shriek grins mischievously.

You feel yourself slow down.

Jaenelle gossips 'Yea, just hush'

Bobpacco flies in.

Bobpacco informs The Spirit of Yashama that he has completed his quest.

Seht gossips 'or molded under desk'

Jong gossips 'wow we have an confession.. this looks bad.'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'tell Jong I'm multiplaying too, would you believe that?'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'tell Jong I'm multiplaying too, would you believe that?'

Jong gossips 'notice that it is "multi play" not "multi use"'

Awila gossips 'this is like bein in elementary school all over again'

You gossip 'I still say that n00bs shouldn't be able to say anything about what tiers are doing, go back to whatever you people do

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Lol that's sad =p'

Jaenelle gossips 'I agree with Jexe'

Felhunter gossips 'if you really wannt be a correct grammer kid jong it's multi-play'

Felhunter gossips 'with a "-" '

Felhunter gossips 'thats illegal seht'

(Gossip) Dolt looks at Seht and goes "Heh."

Awila gossips 'no Felhunter its Multi-LAY ;)'

Jong gossips 'wow I should take notes.. :P'

Faulty Bot Elrast gossips 'until an imm hits you with simultaneous tells on both accounts :P'

You gossip 'Actually, let's all go back to playing the game already. Even the guy who pretended to know what was going on ran off. Nothing's going on'

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'Awww come on what are we supposed to talk about, Jex? =/'

You gossip 'Your mother?

Jong gossips 'well I have access to many ips but never occured to me waste aard system resources by multi-playing.'

Jaenelle gossips 'Your mother masks IP addresses!

You tell Jong 'Would you just stop already? Do you want to get me banned?

Felhunter gossips 'multi tests from imms are always fun when you have a friend over ^^'

Telepath Chuft gossips 'I am playing from a house with another person and have done for years..I registered for multi with an imm'

Jong tells you 'I don't want to get you banned.'

You tell Jong 'So stop talking about my stuff on public channels. It's none of your business what I do'

Jong tells you 'I will if you asked nicely.'

You tell Jong 'Why should I?'

Jong tells you 'because you want me to do something.. nice beats defensive anyday.'

Jong tells you 'I am waiting...'

You tell Jaenelle '"tell jong You know what, do what you want. Nobody will believe anything you say"

You tell Jong 'stay off gossip, okay?

Jong tells you 'are you going to ask me nicely?'

You tell Jong 'Again, not bleeding likely. I wasn't asking'

Smawgryn gossips '27 Apr 01:15 - Juxtaposed Jexebelle tells you 'Shut up. What I do with my characters is none of your business!''

Orgasmic Shriek gossips 'You haven't caught all multiplayers, you're wanting some sort of imm credit? >=] How quaint.'

Cruces gossips 'have u tried to pray yet smawgryn? if you really are so pissed, bring it up with the imms'

Jaenelle gossips 'Just leave me alone.'

(Gossip) Cruces eyes Jaenelle up and down, leering like a filthy pervert!

Jong gossips 'double XP.. wow this makes up to jex multi playing.. :P

Jaenelle gossips 'I'm not multiplaying'

Cruces gossips 'jexebelle... jaenelle... i've always wondered you knwo,...'

You gossip 'I'll go ahead and pull the plug. Smawg is not an overly wound up tattletale, just a first run on a prank for daoine that was waaay less lame in my head'

You gossip 'So, my apologies for having you waste time and energy on my insipid, created drama. No refunds will be given'

Cruces gossips 'good luck jex =p'

Jaenelle gossips 'I'm off to bed too. TIRED. Have to go spend tomorrow morning feeling creepy. watching kids through a one way mirror'

Jong gossips 'hey nice try don't think you'll get off multi-playing.. I am reporting you to imm I have your confession on tape.. err.. file'

"One Hit" Wonder gossips 'rofl'


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